A book by Stephen Evans

Layers of Life by author and playwright Stephen Evans presents a thoughtful if fragmented view of a thoughtful if fragmented life.
In these essays and aphorisms, the author sketches a gentle life, filled with awareness of the world around him, its fragility, diversity, and astonishing beauty.
Print ISBN: 978-1-953725-17-2
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Thinking Small
When I go for a walk, I often have my head down. So far I haven’t bumped into anyone. Or they haven’t bumped into me. I suppose social distancing has helped, when it comes to that.
I like to think that other sojourners imagine I am deep in thought pondering vast questions of human existence. More likely, they think I am anti-social, which I suppose is partly true.
The real reason I look down as I walk is so I don’t step on anyone (or more than one). I am convinced that after death, if there is a tribunal with St. Peter or Rhadamanthus or Anubis, the primary category of judging will be how many beings you have stepped on (or otherwise hurt) and how many saved. And I don’t think size matters – a being is a being in my ecosystemic view. Maybe you even get credit for thinking small.
I believe I am doing well in the Karma department, though I don’t have an actual count to offer. Though I’m hoping that beings I can’t see don’t count, or better that I don’t hurt them if I do step on them. There is more biomass in bacteria than in any other form of animal life, so that worries me a bit.
All in all, it makes for a gentle life, seeking goodness where it exists, beauty where it is found, laughter as it comes, and joy in everything. Thinking small makes you a small part of a larger life, instead of a large part of a smaller one. It’s worth the tradeoff.