Sonets from the Chesapeke

Poems by Stephen Evans

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Cover of Sonets from the Chesapeke. A woman in a white hat riding in a boat.

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Sonets from the Chesapeke is a collection of American sonets.

The American sonet has twelve lines (as opposed to fourteen in a traditional Shakespearean or Petrarchan sonnet): two five line stanzas, and a concluding couplet.

ISBN: 978-1953725387


Winter Sky

To live aboard in winter is not so
Easy. Nothing stems the frigid flow
And cold creeps from stern to bow
And hail is hell on bright work, as is snow.
Yet here I am, with no place else to go.

Ice has stoned the waves, and I remain
Frozen in this fragile brittle plain,
Afraid to move, or never move again.
The bulkhead groans from the relentless strain
Of closure, of entrapment, in the main.

But still in winter is the yielding sky
That holds more stars than I can wonder why.

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