A Comedy in Two Acts by Stephen Evans

In Stephen Evans’ The Ghost Writer, playwright Michael and producer Harry are hiding in the theater to avoid the audiences who saw their last opening (and closing) night. Their lawyer Kate – Michael’s current and Harry’s former partner – sees in their latest failure a chance to draw Michael away from the crass influence of Harry and unleash his artistic potential.
But Harry has already hatched his next scheme – Michael will channel a play from the spirit of Shakespeare.
And when the Bard himself shows up on set, dost thou not laugh?
Filled with gems from Shakespeare’s works, with a lighthearted style reminiscent of classic Broadway comedies, The Ghost Writer is a fast-paced, funny play that explores the spirit of creativity both mortal and immortal.
ISBN: 978-1-7345135-1-6
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Rights and Permissions:
The Ghost Writer is a comic play in two acts, with four characters and a unit set. For production permissions and rights, contact: info@istephenevans.com
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